
As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.

1 Peter 4:10

  • Liturgical ministry is an excellent opportunity to give service to one another.  Participation can be in a private role or in a more public role in Mass.

    The Sacristans prepares the sacred vessels, books, and altar for the celebration of Mass.

    The Lectors proclaim the Word of God to us at Mass.

    The Eucharistic Ministers assist the priest with distribution of the Precious Body and Blood of Christ and wash the sacred vessels.

    The Musicians and Cantors lead the assembly in the responses and musical selections during the Mass.

    Our Ushers assist before, during and after Mass with various tasks such as greeting parishioners, assisting with seating, organizing the offertory procession, ringing the church bell prior to the start of Mass, taking up the collection, handing out bulletins, and tidying up the pews after the Mass.

  • We have both a Youth and Adult Choir that lead the assembly in the responses and musical selections during the Mass.

  • Youth and Adults light the altar candles, prepare the altar for the Mass, assist the priest at the Lord’s Table during the celebration of Mass.

  • The Sacred Heart of Jesus Altar and Rosary Sodality is a group of women who strive to meet the spiritual and material needs of our parish family and community.  Membership is open to all women in our parish and meetings are held the first Monday of the month at 6:00pm March-December.

  • The Pastoral Council and Finance Council benefit the parish in many ways. The Pastoral Council members serve by giving counsel and advice to the pastor on issues of pastoral nature. The Finance Council members review the financial statements of the parish and help in the preparation of the yearly budget.

  • Interested and dedicated parishioners volunteer to tend to the upkeep of the grounds.

  • A Committee tends to the altar and church decorating during the various seasons of the church year.